Meet the Crew

"SHORTY" - Shorty is the newest member of the B.S Bikes crew. He is an Australian Sheppard that we rescued because he was born deaf and needed to be around people all day. We rescued him from Bastrop before the terrible fires destroyed his home. So you might say he's double lucky.

Mark Mitchel - Living in Texas for 30 years, Mark is a real renaissance man. From being a licensed pilot to running a successful cell tower business in past lives, he has started and owns BSBR for the past 9 years. You can catch him on his infamous spot on the shop couch with Shorty and don't dare park in his lot if you're not renting bikes!

Devon Lampman - Our Manager, Devon, comes from Bryan College Station but has lived in Austin for 14 years. He has ridden BMX for 20 years and is sponsored by Texas-made bike company Machine Bike Co. You can catch him and his daughter shredding BMX around town on his days off.

Micheal Zakes - Having lived in Austin for the majority of his life, Mike is a wealth of Austin knowledge. We also consider him the shop guru; having been in the bike industry for over 20 years. He is immediately loved by anyone who is on one of his tours and drinks at least 12 cups of coffee a day.